
Are You Making These Top 10 Break Up Mistakes?

You're distraught, upset and heart-broken, so it's understandable you'll find yourself willing to do pretty much anything to get your ex back. The ten break up mistakes below are extremely common, and hurt your chances of getting your ex back. Undoubtedly you've either seen friends make these break up mistakes or maybe YOU made them in the past. 

If you want to succeed in getting your ex back, avoid the following ten behaviors as if your life depends on it. Your life doesn't depend on it, but your relationship does. If you manage to avoid the mistakes, your chances of getting your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back are pretty damn good.

1. Panic Contact - This is what happens when you let your distress and shock get the best of you. You don't know what to do. All you want is to change things back to how they were, rewind time, and fix the problem immediately. So you do the only thing you can think of and try to contact your ex hoping you can reason him or her back into dating you. And the more you panic, the more you end up instigating damaging contact. All your begging, crying, and screaming serves only to convince your ex that he or she made the right decision.

2. Laying on the Guilt - Once things start looking final and your begging doesn't seem to be working, it's natural to want to guilt your ex into staying with you - a bad idea.

Once you start saying things like, "If you really loved me, you wouldn't do this," "I've given you so much and this is how you repay me," and "I knew this would happen, you never were good at relationships," you're sending yourself down a dangerous path. This may seem like a valid tactic, but it's really just a form of manipulation that will send your ex in the opposite direction you want them to go.

3. Settling for Friendship - You're setting yourself up for disappointment. Your ex most likely loves you as a person, so when you agree to be "just friends," it's an excellent resolution for him or her. He or she gets to keep you in his life without dating you. By demoting yourself to the role of friend, you set yourself up to get hurt. Instead, you need to set boundaries. Seek out the support of other friends.

Don't trick yourself into believing that remaining friends is the only way you can keep your ex in your life. You have to let go completely, especially if you want the chance of getting back together in the future. Remember, if you stay friends, you'll have to be a "good friend" and support your ex when he or she starts dating someone else. Sound painful?

4. Sleeping with Your Ex - So you shouldn't revise your relationship to not include sex (being friends), but you also shouldn't reduce your relationship to just sex. Sleeping with your ex is "fun" for you ex, and a big "I hope" for you. But that hope is unlikely to ever pan out.

5. Resorting to Drugs or Alcohol - It may seem like there's no alternative, but drowning your sorrows in this manner makes you unappealing to your ex and is dangerous to yourself. And when you finally come out of it, you'll feel bad.

6. Spiralling into Obsession - It's understandable, you're hurt. So giving voice to your woes and discussing your ex is okay... to a point. If you're talking about your ex constantly to anyone who will listen, you're apt to drive away friends and family members in addition to driving away your ex. It isn't healthy to obsess. Give your mourning the time it deserves then think happier thoughts.

“Giving voice to your woes and discussing your ex is okay... to a point.”

7. Harassing Your Ex's Friends - You shouldn't be in contact with your ex at all in the early stages of your break up. That INCLUDES being in contact with his or her friends. Sometimes this might suck, but for your sake, it's the best thing to do.

8. Spying, Stalking, and Anything Creepy - Let the characters in movies do all the spying. You need to focus on yourself and not on what your ex is doing. There is nothing you can do about it. You're only going to rile yourself up.

9. Gifting Your Ex - You can't buy your ex back with cute, thoughtful, or expensive gifts. Even if you could, he or she wouldn't be interested in you... just in what you could give.

10. Badmouthing Your Ex - No matter how much you want to drag your ex's name through the mud for hurting you, 99% of the time it will come back to haunt you. Be adult about your break up, and save your angry comments for behind closed doors.

These are the things NOT to do in a break up. If you've made these mistakes, it's not too late to get back together. What are the things you should be doing?

These are dozens of surprisingly simple secrets in the courses Bait Him Back and Bait Her Back. By using just one tip, you'll increase your chances at getting back together - even if your situation seems hopeless.

If you’re reading this right now, you and your ex probably just broke and you can’t stop thinking about them.

I know because I went through a bad break up 2 months ago too and I was really heartbroken. I started searching online for advice on how to get over a break up and I stumbled across a lot of different articles, books and videos. Some of the stuff I found was really helpful and other stuff was just total crap.

I took bits and pieces here and there and tried everything I could to get rid of the pain I was feeling.

Then one day I stumbled across a program called The Breakup Cure.

I was a little skeptical at first because I saw a ton of eBooks promising to help me get my ex back. I actually bought a couple and they didn’t work for me so I didn’t want to waste my money again. But I was having a really hard time with the break up so I decided to put my skepticism aside and check it out.

I watched some of the videos that the author uploaded on youtube and I signed up to download a free chapter from his book. And I have to say, I was totally blown away. Everything he said in the book was spot-on and it felt like he was talking directly to me. It really gave me some perspective on what I was going through. The level of insight that I had after reading the first chapter of the book was so incredible that I decided to go ahead and buy the full book.

Will this book actually help me?

Perhaps you’re wondering if The Breakup Cure will actually help you.

While I can’t say for sure that this book will help you, it was incredibly helpful to me.

However, I want to make it clear that this book is not for someone looking for a “magic pill” to take their pain away.

There is no quick and easy “push-button” fix for getting over a break up. You’re going to have to face this part of your life and really confront some not-so-pretty things if you want to get past it. However, if you do the work, you’ll be able to get back to feeling like yourself in no time. While there’s no quick fix, this book will show you the fastest way to get over it.

Is this book really worth getting?

The Breakup Cure really is a guide on how to deal with all the heart-wrenching pain after a break up.

The book gives you many different ways to deal with the pain after a break up and shares tons of unique techniques and strategies to help you stop thinking about your ex.

Healing a broken heart is not easy. But with this proven approach, you’ll be able to move on with your life and get back to your normal self in no time.

The book takes you by the hand and takes you through the entire recovery process step-by-step. He even gives you his personal email address at the end of the book so you can write in with any questions you may have after reading it. I actually emailed him when I was feeling confused and frustrated about something with my ex and he responded within just a couple of days. I was honestly not even expecting a response.

The final verdict…

If you’re going through a break up, I highly recommend getting The Breakup Cure program.

I honestly can’t even put to words how glad I am that I found this program. It was truly a god-send to me.

When I was searching for advice online, This book was by far the best advice I found. Plus, it came with a 100% money-back guarantee so I knew that I could always get my money back if it didn’t help.

It not only helped me cope with the breakup, but it also helped me grow and become a better me. I honestly can’t even describe how grateful I am that I found this program. I just wanted to write this review to share my experience with the program in hopes that I could maybe inspire one more person to go ahead and give it a shot. Hopefully reading my review has encouraged you to check it out.

If you’d like to get more information about The Breakup Cure program, just click here