
Want To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back? Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Almost every relationship can be salvaged after a breakup, and chances are good that yours is no different... there's a strong possibility that, if you play your cards right and work at it long enough, you can turn your ex boyfriend's feelings upside down and make him come running back, begging for a second chance.

Unfortunately, most women trying to get their ex back make a number of mistakes that end up ruining their chances. They do or say things that might seem like a good idea at the time, but are actually pushing their ex boyfriend further away and into the arms of some other women.

If you want to win your ex boyfriend's heart back, then you'll want to avoid these 5 common mistakes at all costs...

Mistake #1: Begging, Pleading, and Crying

It can be nearly impossible not to break down into tears when your boyfriend breaks up with you. Nonetheless, the more you cry and beg for him to reconsider, the more he'll become convinced he's making the right decision. Self-confidence and independence are traits men find attractive, and pleading your ex to take you sends the opposite message.

Mistake #2: Contacting Your Ex Frequently (Or At All)

Most breakup experts -- myself included -- believe that you should cut off all communication with your ex for 3-4 weeks after the breakup. This gives him time to forget the negative aspects of your relationship, and will force him to experience life without you in his life. While you may be able to win your ex back even if you talk to him a few times after breaking up, it's never a good idea to initiate communication for at least a few weeks. No matter what you may think, there are no urgent reasons for you to call or text him!

Mistake #3: Buying Your Ex Gifts & Sending Love Notes

This is a mistake that's more common with men, but a lot of ladies feel like they can win their ex boyfriend's heart back by telling him how much they love and miss him. Sending gifts, cards, love notes, etc is never a good idea in the wake of a breakup. You want him to think that you're completely fine with being apart, as this will cause him to second-guess his decision to end the relationship. Sending cards and gifts will make him think that you're desperate and clingy, which aren't attractive qualities.

Mistake #4: Making Promises That You'll Change Yourself Or The Relationship

Your ex boyfriend may have had legitimate reasons for ending the relationship, and they may be things you'll need to work on if there's a long term future for the two of you together. But right now, you don't want to go overboard admitting you've made mistakes... this is along the same lines as begging and pleading, and certainly won't cause him to change his mind about the breakup.

Mistake #5: Trying To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Jealous

You can use jealousy to your advantage (and you probably should!) when winning your ex back. But if you do decide to date other guys and go on a social splurge, don't make it obvious that you're doing so just because you want your ex to notice. There's no reason to be blatant about dating other men or going bar-hopping every weekend, since your ex will found out anyway... and if he thinks you're trying to make him jealous, it will only serve to make him angry and will likely backfire.

If you can manage to avoid making any of these five mistakes outlined above, you'll be well positioned to win back your ex boyfriend's heart... and rebuild a happy, loving relationship that will stand the test of time.

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets to find out more.

Whether you want to get your ex back or you're just worried that he might leave one day, getting the right advice is important. So how does "Getting Him Back" book compare to the rest? Let's find out…

The problem with most "get him back" books is that they usually say things like, "just don't pursue him and he may eventually come back." What kind of advice is that? What if he's seeing other women? What if he's moved on? Then what do you do? 

That kind of information sucks, especially when you pay money for it! And worst of all, most of these books PROMISE they'll get your man back. How can they make claims like this when there are 1000's of possible scenarios you could experience?

Thankfully, "Getting Him Back" is different. It never tries to sugarcoat or get your hopes up. It stays grounded in the real world (where most of us live!) 

And the content? Upon first glance I was very pleased with the content. The book started off with the most important topic of all: Do you REALLY REALLY want him back? 

It covers this in great depth to ensure you don't make the same mistake over and over again, and it does a good job of this. It covers 22 important questions on 3 topics including: How did you contribute to the breakup? How did he? How will things be different when you get back together? Questions you should ask yourself to help you make the right decision. 

Once you're 100% sure you want him back, the book moves into the breakup material. It begins with the breakup itself and covers everything all the way up to catching up with him again, covering each stage step-by-step.

I love that this book is FOR WOMEN ONLY. Most of these books are NOT gender specific, which of course is ridiculous because most of us would agree that men and women are completely different creatures.

So is the book perfect? No.

While using canned speeches could work against your efforts by making your ex suspicious, it still would have been nice to see some examples in this book to help paint the picture. 

However, all in all, this is still the best "getting the love of your life back" book I've seen. I highly recommend it to any woman who wants her sweetheart back, or is having relationship trouble, or is just worried that her man may leave her one day. 

If you’d like to get more information about The "Getting Him Back" book, just click here